Friday, 13 June 2014

Perfect girl "Dont I looked perfect girl.My hair combed neatly back with strand of flower in it.My face made up expertly with my nails matching saree. My saree perfectly tied with the help of my mom and my skin too smooth and silky.The ornaments like this chains, bangles, rings, and the earnings are my mothers.She had gifted me this. I...

we say kamala...??? " Was really happy when my sister told me iam going to join her to outing with her girl friends.But din know that I would be wearing a blue salwar" This too is kind of cute isnt it" Thought kamalesh are should we say kamala...??? ... "No other way my dear son.I f we had to regain all our family wealth our persist says you have to complete the yaga as a female same for next to week dear son sarry daughter..." Dont worry you to look cute in this...Said mom...

Great help for My sister

My sister was working in a goverment school as a teacher.She was assigned to collect census.She was very ill and could not go out to collect the details.She didnot have enough time to complete the taks given to her.She was in a big problem. When she requested to me help her I accepeted.But we had a problem, she had to carry the ID which showed she was...

Join my sister

I never thoguht  these will happen when my asked me to join her and my sister to shopping.They took me to a girls garments shop for getting dresses for them.I was bored as they were taking too long. I was roming inside the shop through the racks.One of the sales girl walkes upto me and asked should she help me select something.I was taken back by her request. She further continiues that...

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Ladies Club Meeting

We needed somenone to take care of our home since both me and my wife worked.We couldnot find anybody.My wife said that since she earn more than me,I have to quit my job and take care. I could not reject since she earns double my income.I started doing all household activites.Few months passed, I then even get my hair cut as my wife said I just stay in my home and I did...

Escape in a Female

" Hi bharathi are you sure this is only way I could escape the Place " said velan. " No doubt about it dear.No when will ever suspect you escape in a female disguse.But be careful that you done meet my brother are else you could very well end up being my sister - in - law... Princess Sarah... ...

Party with My Aunty

" Aunty I never beleaved when you said I could pass easily for a girl in the Party " Said Shyam.                 " Hi dear Shyami , I always know you could make a lovely girl, may be next time we should try a saree for u too... Aunty said. " Look at those guys looking you like a cat waiting for its prey..." Aunty. ...

Director Suggested

It was the day of our performence in front of a big home crowd. It came as a big shock to all of us that our heroine was not feeling well. we did know what do to. All the other girls in our droop could not fit in the role  as they din have practise.When the director and myself ( iam a ass. director ) were discussing about this sitution our director suggested why not...

To be a House wife

"What the hell has happened? " Hubby... "Honey you thought being a wife was very simple rite.So now its your turn to see what it takes to be a house wife".... Wife.. "Go get ready and make the breakefast ready for all or your mom should I say mother-in-law will fire you left and right. "Will change back once you learn how hard is  it for women if you wish" ...

To impress the Judges

I din realy i have to dress this way for the dance comptition.I was a good dancer and my girl friend wanted me to participate and win the prize money of 5 lakhs. Today is the finals and inorder to impress the Judges she thoguht I dressed like a female.She took me to the women's Spa  Where I was given a complete make over. My ears pierced, eyebrows blucked,eye...

Escape plan

" Sister, I have heard that boys of your class has planned to ragging me (fresher) to night in our hostel.I dont know what to do sister" Brother said. " I too heard about it in our class today.I along with my friends have made a plan to you to escape it" sister said..                       " Thank you sister,I...

My real self

" Sorry dear I cant live a false life of a man anymore"...hubby. "What you say?and Why are dressed like this first?" Wife.                 "Yes dear, this is my real self.I dont wish to lie to you anymore.But still there is no change in the love I have for you" hubby staring to weep. "Dont worry dear, I can understand and...


" sorry mom, I dint want to hide in anymore" .... Darshan. "Deat i could not beleave my eyes" mom. "Yes mom this is my true self...I have to thank my sister-in-law for helping me come out".... Darshan.                      " And both of you sister's Iam so sorry for using your all things without your permission...

Brother to Sister

Hi sister why cant you select a girl to dance with you in the club when your friend is not feeling well" said Arun. "No dear you know both you and my friend kala are almost same in size.Moreover you are expert like me in dance as be both learnt it together..."said Uma. "But still how can i fit into a girl dress that too quit sexy dress " said Arun.,      ...

Monday, 24 March 2014

THE PERFECT FUTURE - Part - 9                                                                                              ...


THE PERFECT FUTURE                                                                                        ...